Thursday, 22 December 2011


The several varieties of fresh currants are actually berries that are related to gooseberries. The fruit marketed as dried currants is a variety of grape, and thus a type of raisin.
    Red and white currants are the most common types available in North America,usually for only a short time during the summer. Black currants lead both the red and white types in nutritional value. A cup of black currants provides a whopping 220 mg of vitamin C, as well as 360 mg of potassium. This compares with 50 mg of vitamin C and 300 mg of potassium in a cup of red or white currants. All types are low in calories, about 70 in a cup of fresh berries. Currants are also a good source of fiber, providing about 2 g per cup.
    Because they are quite tart, fresh currents usually are not eaten raw; instead, they are used in baking or to make jams, jellies, and sauces. Diluted and sweetened black currants juice is a refreshing beverage that is very high in vitamin C. The juice can be fermented and made into liqueurs and cordials.

  • An excellent low-calorie source of vitamin C and potassium.
  • High in bioflavonoids.
  • Fresh currants are highly perishable and are available for only a few weeks in the summer.

Thursday, 15 December 2011


Asthma is a chronic lung condition that is a leading cause of childhood deaths, especially among city dwellers. The rising toll of asthma has puzzled doctors, but many attribute it to a combination of factors, such as the cost of asthma medications, which may be beyond the means of low-income families, improper use of asthma medications, and exposure to environmental pollutants.
    Wheezing, chest tightness, labored breathing, and other asthma symptoms occur when the tiny muscles that control the airways to the lungs constrict, causing a bronchosphasm. Normally, the airways narrow somewhat when exposed to smoke, pollutants, very cold air, or substances that are harmful if inhaled. In asthmatic people, however, the response is exaggerated and often triggered by otherwise harmless substances or activities, such as pollen and other allergens and exercise.
    Heredity may be a factor. The reason some people have hyperreactive airways is unknown ; heredity, however, is suspected of playing a role, because the disease runs in families. Many asthmatic also have hay fever and allergies. Although stress and emotional upsets can trigger or worsen an attack, experts emphasize that asthma is a lung disease, not a psychological disorder ; as such, it should be treated as a serious and even debilitating physical condition.
    Some asthma attacks are quickly reversed by taking a bronchodilator  medication. These ease symptoms by opening the constricted airways. Other episodes are more prolonged, and, as the airways become more inflamed and clogged with mucus, breathing becomes increasingly difficult. In such cases an injection of epinephrine and a corticosteroid drug may be needed to stop the attack.
    Although asthma is a chronic disease, the changes that occur during an attack are temporary, and the lung generally function normally at other times. When asthma starts during childhood, the frequency and severity of attacks tend to lessen as the youngster grows and may disappear by adulthood. Some adults, however, suffer a recurrence, often as an aftermath of a viral infection. In such cases, the asthma may be even more severe than it was in childhood.


Wednesday, 7 December 2011


A fresh apple is an ideal snack. Its easy to carry, flavorful, filling, and low in calories; a 5 oz (140 g) piece of fruit has only 90 calories. Apples can be eaten fresh or cooked in myriad ways - baked into pies, crisps, and tats; added to poultry stuffing and made into jelly, apple butter, and sauce. Apple cider vinegar is an ingredient in many salad dressings. Pasteurized apple juice and fresh pressed cider are popular drinks, while fermented apple cider, wine, and brandy are gaining in popularity.
    Wash off the pesticide. Apple tress thrive in most temperate climates, but since they are vulnerable to worms, scale, and other insects, they are usually sprayed with pesticides several times. Apples should always be washed carefully before eating; some experts even suggest peeling them, especially if they have been waxed. The wax itself is not a problem but it may prevent pesticide residues from being rinsed off.

  • Low in calories and high in soluble fiber that help lower cholesterol.
  • Packed with numerous phytochemicals such as quercetin that may help prevent heart disease and cancer.
  • Apples enhance dental hygiene.
  • Relatively low in nutrients.
  • Skin may contain pesticide residues.

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Village Named After Wild Ginger

At kampung Mongkos in Serian District, 12 families are running a homestay programme that offers visitors an excellent opportunity to experience authentic Bidayuh culture, warmth and hospitality.The homestay programme is under the Tourism and Heritage Ministry.
    Kampung Mongkos has two of the very few surviving Bidayuh longhouses in Sarawak.The village has existed for over a hundred years and is located near sungai Mongkos.The original residents of the village came from Kampung Terbat several miles down the road.
    Due to the shortage of farming land, two of the leaders by the name of Gandai and Orang Kaya Tulob and around 150 villagers decided to look for a resettlement area. They found the place near Sungai Mongkos and set about building a longhouse and open up land for farming.They began with 20 household and one longhouse, and the village has two longhouse with a total of 34 doors (24 doors and 10 doors).
    When it was time to take down the old longhouse in 1959 the people replaces it with two longhouses. They made sure the traditional design was retained. It is said that Mongkos was named after the plant lungkos (Bidayuh for wild ginger).
    One day, a merchant visited Orang Kaya Tulob. He was served with white rice flavoured with ginger cooked in a bamboo stem.He asked about the ingredients in the food but because the word lungkos was strange to him he could not pronounce it properly. It is said that he kept on saying mongkos. But that did not prevent him from suggesting that the village should be renamed Mongkos.
    Today, some houses in the village are modern while others are traditional.Kampung Mongkos Homestay Programme was declared open in 2006 after having been in operation since 2004 with 12 operators.A one night package costs only RM60 per person for a room and three meals per day.
    The rooms are clean with fans, common bathroom and toilet, and other basic amenities.On arrival visitors are welcomed with a ceremony. First they are greeted with drum music called "bidumbak". A white hen's egg is used to chase away evil spirits and visitors are then entertained with 'langi pingadap' (a traditional welcoming dance). To end the ceremony on a lighter and more festive note, the welcoming ceremony would end with a 'belangi' dance in which the visitors are encouraged to take part. Before this dance begins, male visitors are given 'sabok' (men sarong).
    For the less intrepid or those less inclined towards strenuous physical activities, they can watch or join the women making baskets, bead items, woodcarving and many others types of handicraft. Visitors can also learn the traditional method of processing paddy.
    The distance from Kuching to the village is 103 kilometres.It takes roughly 90 minutes by road to cover the distance.The population of Kampung Mongkos is approximately 1095 people, most of whom are farmers, especially the older generations. Some of the younger people are government servants and the rest are private sector employees.
    Paddy cultivation and farming are the main agricultural activities of the villagers. Among the things they plants are oil palm, paddy, pepper, rubber trees, and miscellaneous fruits such as rambutans, mangoes, bananas, jack fruits and durians.

Tuesday, 29 November 2011


A medical study examined the beer-drinking habits of a group of people who had had a heart attack, as well as of a group randomly selected from the Czech population. The Czech Republic is especially appropriate for such a study because it is a country of beer drinkers. Perhaps surprisingly, in both groups, the lowest risk for heart attack was found in men who drank about 11 to 24 pt (5.2 - 11.3 litres) of beer a week. Their risk was a third of that seen in the men who never drank beer. But if they drank more, the protection was lost and problems appeared! Dark beer seems to be especially protective. It was even found to reduce the potential harm caused by the notorious "hetero cyclic aromatic amines" (HAAs) that form when food is heated to a high temperature. Serving dark beer at a barbecue is a good idea.
    Beers cardiovascular benefits a likely due to poly phenols, those pigmented antioxidants that are also found in fruits, tea, and wine. Researchers have found that drinking one beer a day alters the structure of fibrinogen, a protein in the blood responsible for clotting. In a study of men who had undergone bypass surgery.they found that those who drank 12 oz (355 ml) of beer a day were less likely to form blood clots, and at reduced risk for heart attacks and strokes.

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Monday, 28 November 2011


1. Choose learner cuts of meat and remove fat whenever possible.
2. Downsize meat portions. Choose low-fat cheeses.
3. Cook with olive or vegetable oil instead of butter or margarine.
4. Use tofu or nuts in stir-fries instead of meat.
5. Try adding a slice of avocado instead of cheese to a sandwich.
6. Enjoy a baked potato instead of fries, and use low-fat yogurt instead of sour cream.
7. Switch to a lower-fat milk.
8. Substitute buttermilk instead of mayonnaise in salad dressings, or instead of butter in mashed potatoes.
9. Add more beans and vegetables to casseroles and chili - use less meat or veggie ground round.
10. Enjoy fruit served with frozen sherbet or low-fat frozen yogurt instead of ice cream for dessert.

>>>>>>>>>>>ENJOY YOURSELF>>>>>>>>>

Saturday, 26 November 2011


Eat Less To Live Longer?

Will cutting down in calories slow your aging clock as well as help cut extra weight of your waistline? Since the 1930s, scientists have known that restricting calories not only delays aging but even reverses some of its consequences in laboratory rats and mice. By feeding these animals are very low calorie diet, a mere 30 to 50 percent of what they normally eat, scientists have been able to extend the lives of not only mice but also fruit flies.
    One study was designed to see whether monkeys, fed a diet that included all required nutrients but two-thirds the usual calories, would live longer than normal. Data suggests that the primates who ingested a lean meal, as compared to their peers who ate all the food they wanted, had a lower incidence of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. One theory as to why there's a link between eating less and living longer? Metabolism of food leads to the production of free radicals; the less food consumed, the fewer damaging free radicals produced.
    Rats and monkeys, however, are not humans. Before caloric restriction is recommended as a potential antiaging strategy for people, carefully supervised studies on humans (such as those currently sponsored by the U.S. National Institute on Aging) need to be done. Caloric restriction is risky to try on your own; While its generally known that seniors require fewer calories,the aging body is also less efficient in absorbing and using some nutrients. Knowing how to cut calories without compromising essential nutrients can be tricky; becoming undernourished would erase any benefits of such a diet - if indeed there are benefits to be had. Low-calorie diets are likely to be deficient in some nutrients, and leading proponents of such regimens, such as antiaging specialist Dr. Roy Walford, believe that supplementation with vitamins and minerals is essential.

;;;;;;;;;;Eat Right To Age Well;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

LONGEST LIFE : Interesting Facts About Longevity

Interesting facts about longevity

  • Japan has the longest life expectancy in the world. Yet people in the Okinawan Islands in southern Japan enjoy even longer and healthier lives than the average Japanese. Their diet secret? Lots of grains, vegetables, soy, and fish; less meat, poultry, and dairy. There is, however, no scientific basis to the suggestion by some supplement manufacturers that "coral calcium" is the secret of the Okinawans' longevity.
  • Various studies of Mormons, Seventh Day Adventist, and Trappist monk all people who follow a vegetarian diet and enggage in a prudent lifestyle-also show that they enjoy increased life expectancy.
  • North Americans also seem to be doing something right since they are healthier than they were two decades ago.People over age 85 are one of the fastest growing segments of the population, proving that day you can live longer and healthier if you practice good health habits.

Wednesday, 9 November 2011


    There's no doubt that what you eat influences the levels of cholesterol and other fats in your blood.Numerous studies document that diet high in animal products and other saturated fats tent to elevate cholesterol levels, in contrast to the low levels found in people whose diet consist largely of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. People with a family history of heart disease should be diligent in following a diet that limits the cholesterol-raising foods and emphasizes the cholesterol-lowering foods indicated below.

Foods That May Raise Cholesterol

  • Hard margarine and vegetable shortening, which are high in saturated fats and trains fatty acids.
  • Cookies, cake, pastries, and chocolates, especially those made with saturated tropical oils, or partially hydrogenated oils.
  • Full-fat dairy products, such a cheese, cream, and butter, all are high in saturated fats.
  • Fatty meats and meat products such a marbled beef, pork and lamb chops, hamburgers, bacon, frankfurters, salamis, and other cold cuts.                                                                                                
Foods That May Lower Cholesterol
  • Whole-wheat, pumpernickel, rye, and multigrain bread and rolls.
  • Oatmeal and breakfast cereals that contain oat or rice bran, as well as tofu and other soy products.
  • Nonhydrogenated soft margarine, olive oil canola oil, safflower, sunflower, cottonseed, soy bean oils.
  • Vegetables, such as sweet corn, onions, garlic, lima bean, kidney beans, and other legumes.
  • Fruits, such as oranges, apples, pears, bananas, and such dried fruits as apricots, figs, and prunes.
  • Nuts such as almonds, walnuts, pecans, seeds such as sesame and sunflower seeds.


   By now,most people that high levels of blood cholesterol can lead to blocked arteries. If an artery that supplies blood to your heart becomes blocked, a heart attack may occur. if an artery that supplies blood to your brain becomes blocked, a stroke could occur. Still, confusion abounds over the role of diet in affecting cholesterol.
    Although often portrayed as a dietary evil, cholesterol is essential to life. The body needs it to make sex hormones, bile, vitamin D, cell membranes, and nerve sheaths. These and other functions fall to serum cholesterol, a waxy, fat like compound, termed a "lipid," that circulates in the bloodstream. the liver manufactures about a gram each day, which is all the body requires.
    Dietary cholesterol is found only in animal products. The body does not need this cholesterol, but anyone other than a strict vegetarian who excludes all animal products will consume varying amounts of it. many factors-exercise, genetics, gender, and other components of the diet-influence how the human body processes dietary cholesterol; some people can consume large amounts but have normal blood levels, while others eat very little but have high blood cholesterol. Diet appears to account for about 20 percent of the cholesterol in the body,with the remaining 80 percent produced by the liver.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

BABIES'S FIRST FOOD : The advantage of breast-feeding

The advantage of breast-feeding

  • Nursing stimulates uterine contractions that help prevent hemorrhaging and return the uterus to its normal size.
  • Breast milk is convenient and economical; it is sterile, portable, and always the right temperature.
  • Nursing promotes a special kind of mother-infant bonding.
  • Breast-fed babies have fewer infection. The benefits extend beyond childhood; studies show that people who were breast-feed have a reduced incidence of obesity,diabetes, asthma, heath disease, and some types of cancer.
  • Breast milk may protect infanst with a strong family history of allergy from developing one.
  • Women who breast-feed have a reduced risk of premenopausal breast cancer and postmenopausal osteoporosis (loss of bone mass.                                                                                                            
First Month
If giving breast milk, enough for weight gain and to yeild regular soft stools and 6 or more wet diapers a day. If giving formula, 2 - 4 oz (60 - 120ml ) per feeding (every 2 -4 hours)

Monday, 7 November 2011


In the beginning, they are what you eat

Good infant nutrition actually begins before birth, because what the mother eats during pregnancy goes a long way toward determining her baby's initial nutritional health. a well nourished mother provides plenty of nutrients her baby can use for proper growth and development in the uterus, as well as to store  for later use. Skimping on food to avoid gaining excessive weight while pregnant can produce a low birth weight baby who has special nutritional needs or serious medical problems. An anemic is likely to have a baby with low iron reserves. A woman who does not consume adequate folate may have a baby with serious neurological problems. High doses of vitamin A before and during early pregnancy can cause birth defects. All pregnant women are strongly advised to have regular prenatal checkups and to eat a varied and balanced diet.


Sunday, 6 November 2011

GRILLED FOODS -Minimizing your cancer risk

Minimizing your cancer risk

Charcoal-grilling foods,especially fatty meats,can create compounds that are potentially carcinogenic. The factors involved are the charring of the food and the smoke produced when the fat drips on the coals, which is then carried back up to the meat. to minimize the risks,take the following steps:

1. Avoid flair ups,since burning juice or fat can produce harmful smoke. If smoke from dripping fat is too heavy,move the food to another section of the grill,rotate the grill,or reduce the heat.
2. Cook meat until it is done without charring it. Remove any charred pieces--don't eat them.
3. Don't place the heat source directly under the meat.
4. Cover the grill with punctured aluminium foil before you cook. The foil protects the food from the smoke and fire.
5. Keep meat portions small so they don't have to spend as long on the grill.
6. Defrost frozen meats before grilling. In trying to get the frozen meat cooked,there is a tendency to burn the surface.

                            REMEMBER IT!