Friday, 19 October 2012

Anda Benci AES? (Boleh Pasang AES Detector)

Siapa benci AES boleh pasang AES Detector! F.O.C...

Wakil rakyat atau rakan-rakan blogger tak usahlah marah-marah kat Menteri Pengangkutan, tak perlu maki hamun Ketua Pengarah JPJ atau nak ugut kerajaan konon akan kalah pada PRU-13 hanya kerana kerajaan melaksanakan Sistem Penguatkuasaan Automatik (AES) bagi mengurangkan kemalangan jalan raya.

Kalau korang rasa nyawa korang banyak (dan nyawa anak bini atau pemandu lain pun banyak) atau rasa kepala keras macam semen konkrit dan badan elastik macam Plastikman, korang boleh pandu laju kat jalan raya, lebuh raya atau balai raya sekali pun, korang boleh lakukannya. Jangan takut kena tembak dik kamera AES dan berdepan dengan saman. Sebabnya kini ada alat pengesan kamera AES yang dipanggil "AES Detector" yang boleh dimuatkan pada handphone korang dan aplikasi ini boleh mengesan kedudukan kamera AES dari jarak 500 meter serta ia tidak boleh dikesan oleh AES atau pihak polis.

Aik? Macam mana boleh ada pulak aplikasi AES Detector ini? Korang tak usah hairan dan usah rasa ajaib. Sebabnya seperti Menteri Pengangkutan kata, sistem AES dah diuji selama 10 tahun di luar negara - AS, Australia, Singapore dan ternyata ia berkesan mengurangkan kadar kemalangan di negara yang menggunakannya.

Dah kalau AES diuji, sudah pasti pada masa yang sama adalah mereka yang otak genius ini akan buat alat untuk mengesannya juga. Alaa... macam cerita Cicakman la...Dia yang cipta virus, dia juga yang cipta antidotnya. Tapi syarikat buat AES cuma buat sistem AES saja, depa tak buat alat pengesan AES. Yang buat alat pengesan tu orang lain...

Marah-marah tak guna. Siapa yang nak memecut di jalan raya atas alasan kerana sakit perut nak berak, sebab bini nak beranak, sebab jalan sunyi tak ada orang (takut hantu melintas) dan macam-macam sebab dan alasan hanya nak bawak kereta melebihi had laju, pergilah download aplikasi AES Detector ini. Free saja.

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

What is Stress?

Stress in our modern lives

Stress is simply a fact of nature -- forces from the inside or outside world affecting the individual. The individual responds to stress in ways that affect the individual as well as their environment. Because of the overabundance of stress in our modern lives, we usually think of stress as a negative experience, but from a biological point of view, stress can be a neutral, negative, or positive experience.
In general, stress is related to both external and internal factors. External factors include the physical environment, including your job, your relationships with others, your home, and all the situations, challenges, difficulties, and expectations you're confronted with on a daily basis. Internal factors determine your body's ability to respond to, and deal with, the external stress-inducing factors. Internal factors which influence your ability to handle stress include your nutritional status, overall health andfitness levels, emotional well-being, and the amount of sleep and rest you get.
Stress has driven evolutionary change (the development and natural selection of species over time). Thus, the species that adapted best to the causes of stress (stressors) have survived and evolved into the plant and animal kingdoms we now observe.
Most people admit that when they're under stress, healthy eating habits can be difficult to maintain. Whether eating to fill an emotional need or grabbing fast food simply because there's no time to prepare something healthy, a stressed-out lifestyle is rarely a healthy one. But weight gain when under stress may also be at least partly due to the body's system of hormonal checks and balances, which can actually promote weight gain when you're stressed out, according to some researchers.
Cortisolis a critical hormonewith many actions in the body. Normally, cortisol is secreted by the adrenal glands in a pattern called a diurnalvariation, meaning that levels of cortisol in the bloodstream vary depending upon the time of day (normally, cortisol levels are highest in the early morning and lowest around midnight). Cortisol is important for the maintenance of blood pressure as well as the provision of energy for the body. Cortisol stimulates fat and carbohydrate metabolism for fast energy, and stimulates insulinrelease and maintenance of blood sugarlevels. The end result of these actions can be an increase in appetite.

Friday, 12 October 2012

How to check Summon online? (Malaysia)

This is for Malaysia country only. There are 3 different ways to check Summon :
1 - Sms Police Saman (your identity card number or car plat number) to 15888. You will receive the reply sms after 1 or 2 hours. It will charge you RM0.20 to receive the sms.

2 - Go to Picture below demonstrate the website shows me the summon that i got :

3 - Go to to start the process
* Please register with the website if you are a first time user
* Login with your username and password
* Navigate the top menu by clicking eServices > JPJ or PDRM
* Select the appropriate link to check and pay your summons online.
I have success did that and picture below shows the website show me the summon that I got :

If you want to get 30% to 70% discount for your summon, you can contact this person : Tan Choon Chye 016-4224792.

There are two types of summon, 1 is on-spot-summon which police block you on the road and give you summon ticket. Another 1 is saman ekor which the camera capture your car or the police hide beside the tree use speed tracker and camera to capture your car, then they go to JPJ to check your car plate number to get your house address then post a letter to your house.

I did receive a letter that inform me about I got a summon, so it is saman ekor. Now I have several questions :
1) Do I really need to pay for the summon?
2) Can I get discount even the website show me there is no discount?
3) Go where to pay the summon can get the most discount? normal police station? Main police station?

So I google search for the answers. This forum is quite useful : A guy from the forum said "All saman ekor are to be ignored". It mean we actually don't need to pay for saman ekor.

From this website : A people said "If the summon is issued by MP ( eg.DBKL,MPPJ ) then its ok 4 u 2 ignore it cos i also have tons of those...but if by JPJ/PDRM,u NEED 2 pay it cos that will effect ur road tax renewal". And "If u don't pay up your DBKL summons, u will had difficulty applying for house loan and at kelantan anyone who had summon by MPKBBR and not pay it...masuk mahkamah".
And "check your summon paper
sure there stated the correspondence address
then just do a simple write in with your summon reference no. etc information
then write some reason la, this and that
then send the letter over by pos or wat ever
then wait for their reply
normally u will get a 50% discount". Or "you can go to bukit Aman police station to do "rayuan" to get 50% discount. But, only available on every Tuesday and Thursday. You have to take "q" number from the gate there, then wait until 10 am, go inside the building, look for one inspector to chop ur summon, then u will get 50% discount, then go out to the same place u take ur "q" number just now. Take another number to pay your summon at there".

From this website :, a people said "speeding is also one of the summon that cannot be discount..
there is total of 7 summons that cannot be discount at all..not even rayuan or datuk sign can make the rayuan for u..
run through red lights..(kena and comfirm no discount)
accident..(kena and comfirm no discount also)
speeding..(kena but i can't remember..i think no discount also)
using emergency lane..(kena and no discount for this also)
didn't wear seat belt..(kena and no discount for this also)
and the rest i kind of forget already..
all those no discount summons are those mistake u act which is in ur speeding..running through red lights..but if they got those police summon discount fair..yes..u can have it done there..but on normal day..u cannot have discount". Another guy said "just now i intended to pay at police station. One of the officer ask me to go back to the balai polis where the summon is issued so that i can buat rayuan. Besides, he also said,"boleh tunggu bila dia ada 50%".

I saw there is a people got RM14720.00 summon total since year 2003 until 2010. He said he is not going to pay for the summon, and nothing will happen too, he still can renew the roadtax and still can renew this driving license, he still can drive his car, and police won't go catch him.

Saman ekor without blacklist still can be ignore, don't need to pay money for it. But if you receive saman ekor with blacklist, you must pay for it and if you don't pay for it, you will need to go court and your can't renew your driving license and roadtax. According to This page :, he said "There are 650,000 traffic offenders had been blacklisted".

In conclusion, do I think I need to pay for my RM200 saman ekor? Yes, I think it is better I pay it, since I don't want to get blacklisted. When will I pay it? I will reply the letter (fill in my name, address, Identity card number, phone number) by tomorrow, because if I don't reply the letter before 23 October 2010, I will get another punishment. Then I will print out the screen shot of rilek website that shows my summon, bring that screen shot picture to nearest police station to ask for discount, if they said cannot discount, then I will just pay RM200 there. I guess they will ask me wait for the next summon discount promotion on 1 or 2 month later or they will ask me go to Bukit Aman police station to apply "rayuan".