Tuesday, 8 May 2012


  1. Use spices that don't contain sodium, like fresh herbs, garlic, powder or fresh garlic, onion flakes (instead of onion salt), dry mustard, coriander, lemon, mint, cumin, chili, curry, rose-marry, thyme, basil, bay leaves, ginger, hot peppers, pepper, chives, and parsley.
  2. Make your own salad dressing rather than using the bottled ones. Use flavored vinegars instead of salt for extra tasted.
  3. Eat more fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables. If you use canned vegetables, buy them sodium reduced. Use fresh potatoes rather than instant, fresh cucumbers instead of pickles. Add spices and herbs instead of salt to the water in which you cook vegetables.
  4. Eat fresh or frozen fish instead of canned or dried varieties, choose sliced roast beef or chicken instead of bologna, salami, or other processed meat.
  5. Re-educate your tasted buds. Taste food before adding salt. Cook from scratch instead of packages. Adapt your favorite recipes by using half the amount of salt called for. 

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